Business Assistance
Core Services
Business Attraction
- Site selection
- Assist in finding suitable real estate
- Local and state incentive programs
- Navigating permitting processes
- Workforce recruitment
Existing Business
- Business expansion
- Real estate needs
- Workforce assistance
- Local and state incentive programs
New Business Start Ups
- Developing a business plan
- Connecting to various support resources
- Business counseling
Location Assistance
Business Retention & Expansion
Business Retention and Expansion Assistance
Business retention and expansion is the foundation of effective economic development. You cannot invest time and resources to recruit new businesses while losing others due to lack of attention to changing needs or emerging obstacles. An effective retention and expansion program is based on up to date knowledge of the business community and constant communication. The program should be equipped to help businesses with expansion of current sites and facilities, assistance in identifying and preparing sites for expansions that require relocation, and assistance with regulations and permits related to planning, zoning and building. A business retention program is time and labor intensive, and requires building and maintaining good relationships with existing businesses.
Existing businesses in Independence are the core of our community’s growth. Through the employment and economic investment they create a higher quality of life for our residents. It is our goal to work hand-in-hand with our existing businesses to help them grow and expand in Independence.
The staff of the Independence IEDP, along with our strategic partners and volunteers who take part in iNbiz Committee, meet regularly with businesses throughout our community to understand and address their needs. We meet directly with local businesses to discuss issues in open and relaxed meetings. We then go to work to help find solutions and overcome obstacles that limit the growth of the company. We have access to a variety of state incentive programs and data sources that we can tap into.
Our goal is to create an environment for businesses to succeed and the community to prosper. Our staff is happy to meet with any Independence Company to learn more about their business, its challenges, and opportunities and to identify resources to help local business succeed.
We are happy to help you take advantage of state and local resources to help businesses flourish. These resources can include:
- Help to identify opportunities for your business
- Help connect you with funding and assistance agencies
- Help take advantage of available incentives and job training programs
- Provide you with the most current data and research to make smart business decisions
- Help you find available buildings and sites for your growing business

Resource Links
Ennovation Center