Business Community Overview
There are a variety of major employers in Independence including manufacturers, health and social services, retail, construction and government. The largest private sector employers include a small caliber ammunition manufacturer, health care provider, food manufacturer, and insurance services.
A favorable tax structure, central location, productive labor force and available building sites make Independence an ideal place to do business. The Little Blue Parkway interchange located on I-70 is a catalyst for eastern Independence, creating an environment for business and residential growth. Independence has grown as a center for retail businesses, services and manufacturing.

Independence Regional Ennovation Center
The Independence Regional Ennovation Center, is a mixed use business incubator that focuses on three core areas for the development of new businesses – bio-tech, kitchen, and business and technology. The Enovation Center provides the necessary facilities and support services to launch successful start up businesses in a collaborative environment which fosters entrepreneurs.
Independence Economic Development Partnership
The Independence Economic Development Partnership, located in the Free Enterprise Center at 210 West Truman Road, Independence 64050, encourages your questions and inquiries: (816) 252-4745 Independence Economic Development Partnership (IEDP)