Who We Are
The Independence Chamber of Commerce represents a partnership of more than 700 member businesses and professionals committed to making a difference in the Independence community.
The Independence Chamber of Commerce has deep roots in its community. Organized in 1920, the Chamber is a not-for-profit, business organization dedicated to promoting the economic growth of Independence. It elects a 22-member board of directors that determines policies and sets goals. The board employs a president who hires a professional staff to handle the daily Chamber operations. The Independence Chamber of Commerce’s goals and yearly planned program of work are accomplished through the collective efforts of the board, staff and hundreds of dedicated volunteers.

Core Purpose
To provide leadership that builds a business community of excellence.
The Independence Chamber of Commerce will be the premier business organization in Eastern Jackson County where public and private interests collaborate and are empowered.
- Continual improvement and enhancement of existing programs to increase networking
opportunities and increase exposure for our members. - Survey event attendees with goal of 8+ overall satisfaction rating
- Continue “pop-in” member visitation and member navigator program
- 85% member retention rate
- Expand opportunities for greater member inclusivity within the organization
- Pre-promote member events utilizing social media channels
- Live stream member events to increase value and exposure
- Enhance quality of all marketing materials
- Provide education content and programming on
- Launch the IConnect Community Platform for members to communicate and collaborate.
• Targeted marketing to secure new members using data of most searched sectors in our
• Continued utilization of member testimonials. demand - Tell our story powerfully, both as a community and organization
Community Affairs
- Make available to members a 4-part DEI education program kicked oH with a luncheon in
February and other presentations and workshops through the remainder of the year.
• Provide oversight and guidance for public events such as the First Responders Awards,
Halloween parade, and SantaCaligon Festival.
• Promote opportunities for volunteerism with our various non-profit members.
Public Policy
- Coordinate “At the Capitol” days in Jefferson City and Washington D.C.
- Support and actively engage in eHorts to pass the general obligation bond issue in April.
• Continued presence at City Council meetings when issues impacting the business community and economic development are being discussed. - Host candidate forums for locally contested races
- Lobby as needed for issues included within the 2025 Legislative Agenda
Economic Development
- Creation of business retention and expansion position to focus on supporting existing
• Meet annually with 150+ existing businesses and issue annual summary report outlining
opportunities and challenges.
• Creation of Project Action Team to provide information and expertise for RFI requests and
prospect site visits.
• Host CEO Roundtable twice a year to connect business leaders with elected oHicials.
• Host familiarity tour for commercial real estate brokers in the region.
• More aggressive external marketing including participation in KCADC consultant visits and
targeted trade shows.
• Increase Partnership members by 20%.
- Attract top quality talent for Main Stage
- Completion of a design concept for SantaCaliGon Festival park.
- Review all sources of revenue and expenses to find areas of efficiency and cost savings to
increase profitability.
We welcome members to join a committee and use their talents and ideas to help further the goals and objectives of the Independence Chamber.
Check out a list of available committees.